If you know them. Please use format: Sun sign / Moon sign / Rising sign
If you don't know, no worries, I'll be able to tell you during our VIP Day.
Work means sticking to deadlines, writing copy, getting things batched and created ahead of time, willing to put yourself out there to get people to know who you are, etc.
Tell me in the space below if you are willing and ready to do so.
The investment is $2100 for the VIP Day. Please reflect honestly with yourself if you're ready.
I offer Pay In Full incentives and payment plans for this service
Pay In Full Incentive:
You'll receive a sweet 20% discount off if you pay in full
On the date of your VIP Day, we will connect over a 4-hour period. We will have a 30-minute break at the 2-hour mark and then resume our session. The sessions are AUDIO ONLY (no video).
Please check "YES" if you understand that we will be using online software to connect for your VIP Day and for your 30-day support.
Share any information that you feel I need to know. Or any questions you have.
If not, simply type "NO".
Enter your email address so we can save your answers for you: