Overcoming Your Fear of Success

As a Virgo Rising, my clients are attracted to my particular style of work. As a mystical service provider for business owners and creative professionals, I bring a balance of the woo and the work that’s needed to grow.
They know that when they work with me they’ll be pushed and challenged to go beyond their comfort levels so they can reach the level of success and satisfaction they seek.
Usually during these times of growth, I’ll see the fears that come up and stop even the bravest in their tracks.
So, today, I’m going to share with you the fears you should be aware of. Understanding these fears and resistance will help you be more forgiving of yourself when you look at past projects or promises that didn’t come through.
You’ll also be more prepared to handle any setbacks that come your way as you move forward in your epic plans of world domination.
So, what causes these resistances? And what signs get hit with which fear the most?
Well, the mother of ALL resistance is FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN.
How many of us have chosen to remain in a situation that makes us miserable rather than risk moving toward something that's uncertain. This can be as simple as switching our old software for something faster or with more features. Or marketing to a new client base.
This fear affects all zodiac signs. Simply, because this is just a human thing. We’re wired to fear the unknown.
We will allow ourselves to stay STUCK as long as we SURROUNDED BY THE FAMILIAR.

Another devil that holds us back is FEAR OF NOT MEETING EXPECTATIONS. We may think that we'll never live up to the expectations of those who matter to us or the clients we wish to impress. This shows up in our bottom line.
How many of us are willing to keep our prices low so we don’t have to bear the pressure of a delivering at a higher price tag?
You’ll see this fear hit up FIRE and EARTH signs something fierce.
If you’re a FIRE SIGN, MINDFULNESS will be key to you overcoming this fear. Handle any hectic situations with the clear communication and compassion to move forward.
If you’re an EARTH SIGN, TEAMWORK will be key to you overcoming this fear. Build a team or network of supporters to help you get a clear picture of what’s really on the table.
Oh, and of course there's also FEAR OF NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH. This fear stems from our concerns about disappointing ourselves. We may also be afraid that we aren't capable or talented enough to accomplish a goal. This is a big one when it comes to self-doubt and lack of confidence.
A lovely add-on to this fear is that well…we might also get nervous with regard to what others may think of us. With many of us putting ourselves out there and online we worry about what "they" might say.
Our actions reflect upon us. Sometimes it's painful or difficult to deal with the reaction others have to our actions or even our best efforts.
You’ll see this fear haunt Water and Air signs like no other.
If you’re a WATER SIGN, BEING PREPARED is key to overcoming this fear. Use your wisdom and experience to help you pivot and adjust when things get chaotic.
If you’re an AIR SIGN, STABILITY is key to overcoming this fear. Having a homebase or safe harbor to retreat to when you need to reflect will give you a solid idea of any issues that come up.
I know this can be tough. Fear is powerful. But it can be overcome. Even I have moments where I hesitate because I worry about people judging my work.
So, you’re probably thinking, “Okay, now what? What can I do to make this situation better?”
Well, here’s my tips and takeaways to help you overcome your resistance to your success from the things that cause you fear.
1. Be honest with yourself. Nothing will get better or move forward if you can't face reality. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Negative folks are usually content to remain unhappy, and they tend to want those around them to be miserable, too. Look for people who inspire you and want to see you succeed.
2. Accept imperfection. If you think everything has to be perfect, you'll remain stuck because perfection isn't truly possible. Concentrate on what is within your control, and try not to worry about the things that aren't. Take proactive steps to handle those things you can control. You'll feel more confident and will fear change less.
3. Be gentle. Along with being honest with yourself, you should also be gentle on yourself. Nobody's perfect. Forgive yourself for making mistakes and know that you probably will. Play your favorite Katy Perry or Queen song. Brush yourself off, congratulate yourself for giving it a good try, recognize that you learned something and move on.
4. Prioritize you. Put yourself first and consider yourself to be a priority in your life. Sometimes we don't give ourselves the time, care and attention we need. If you want to face your fears and accomplish great things, you absolutely must believe that you're worthy of doing so.
5. Ditch comparing. Also, avoid comparing yourself to others. You're unique and talented in your own ways. Comparison leads to feeling you're not good enough and will never measure up. These beliefs become self-prophecies and hold you back from greatness. So, cut it out.
6. Be mysterious. Finally, don't feel the need to explain yourself to others. Seriously. It doesn't matter if they believe in you or if they think what you're doing is worthwhile. This is your life. What matters are the things that are important to you. You'll see that the freedom of living life on your own terms is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Next steps:
Try my tips out. Most of these involve loving yourself and knowing that you have to take charge of your life and are responsible for your own happiness. Give some of these a try and see if you don't start to think differently about what scares you.
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