Midheaven Signs

Your business reputation through astrology
Your Midheaven -- AKA “Medium Coeli”, which literally means 'middle of the sky' -- is the highest point of your birth chart and can be found at the cusp of your 10th house.
Your midheaven sign rules your public image and your highest aspirations.
Thus it’s your power sign & Power Position.
The Midheaven is your reputation, what people see and perceive about you before ever meeting you.
Think of your social media posts as revealing your Midheaven, and your DM conversations revealing your Ascendant.
People will see you first as your Midheaven, and then when they get to know you a little better, your Ascendant will shine through.
While dealing with your customers is where your Ascendant comes in, your Midheaven affects how they see you before they ever start working with you!
More specifically, your brand’s reputation is already out there in the form of your social media accounts.
You already have this energy at your disposal, so it would be ideal to bring out the best qualities of your Midheaven sign and work them into your Instagram photos, Facebook posts, etc., in the content of your posts.
Not sure what your Midheaven sign is? Go to this free online natal chart generator to discover yours.
FYI: You’ll need to know your exact birth time and the location (city) of your birthplace to get an accurate calculation.
Since your Midheaven sign rules your public image, you can see why you should pay attention to this while branding your business.
Your Midheaven sign also attracts much of the same energy into your professional life.
‘Like attracts like’, as they say.
So be sure that you’re infusing the best qualities of this sign into your work in general!
You’ll want to nail down the best traits of your Midheaven and incorporate them into your branding.
But guess what? I’ve already done all the hard work for you!
Read on to learn how to grow your influence with your Midheaven sign…
Listen to the Midheaven Sign’s Theme Song Below
“Shining Star” by Earth, Wind & Fire

aries midheaven: independent, bravery, ambition
Your Public Persona: People notice your drive and ambition. They see the way you take charge and handle things in a straightforward, focused manner. With fiery Mars ruling your midheaven, you will find the most success going solo rather than with a business partner.
You’re willing to go places no one has gone before you, and this makes you a trailblazer in your own right.
While you may have very nurturing, empathetic qualities (especially if your ascendant is in Cancer), the public will only see what makes you strong and vibrant. If you can find a way to own everything you do, your business will stand out in a way that attracts the right clients.
What makes you unique: Your independence—and you should embrace it. Clients admire you for your strength, your individuality, and your bravery.
Never let your words become too harsh.
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taurus midheaven: persistence, beauty, creativity
Your Public Persona: People notice your ability to achieve wealth. With the Goddess of Love ruling your midheaven, you have the ability to stay calm and grounded through all of your endeavors no matter how challenging.
When you embrace both your inner and outer beauty, you inspire others to embrace theirs as well. Like a diamond in the rough, you find ways to shine, morphing into what your clients view as a pillar of success.
You’re willing to pull up your sleeves and do the work, whatever it takes, and that dedication rubs off on others. Worldly achievements come slowly, but they amass in great quantities over time.
What makes you unique: Your persistence—you refuse to give up. Clients admire you for your calm presence and your ability to achieve results. They also appreciate your earthy beauty and creativity.
Always try to include beauty and sensuality to your public image.
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gemini midheaven: intelligence, experience, information
Your Public Persona: People notice you for your mind. Mercury rules your midheaven, which makes you the ultimate messenger. You have the ability to digest information and share it with the world in a more refined, clever way.
Naturally witty, most people admire you for your sense of humor and your way with words. This allows you to excel in fields of writing and communication.
You despise boredom, which is why you think and move faster than most people can keep up with. In fact, you may pursue several different careers over your lifetime.
What makes you unique: Your intelligence. People are drawn to the way you speak and write. Clients who are students and readers will benefit from your experience.
Surround yourself with books, information, and anything that further highlights your intelligence.
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cancer midheaven: relatability, bonds, intuition
Your Public Persona: People notice you for your emotional, nurturing nature. You come off as familiar, loving, and empathetic. In a way, you become the world’s family member. The ever-changing moon rules your public persona, which is why your career often feels unstable. The limelight has a disrupting way of showcasing any emotional crisis.
Although this can feel invasive, it’s also what allows people to relate to you. They identify with your story and background.
They feel both your love and your suffering. Fields in which you can emotionally connect, care for, and protect other people will allow you to shine.
What makes you unique: Your relatability and your intuition. Always allow your intuition to guide you. Your perfect audience are clients who prefer to feel more bonded with their brands.
Working at night can help you show off your lunar qualities.
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leo midheaven: charismatic, leadership, big heart
Your Public Persona: People notice your big heart. When the sun rules the midheaven, the world becomes your stage. You are royalty, and the public doesn’t mind letting you lead.
You come across as creative, entertaining, and generous. Sometimes you can be overly dramatic, but your confidence is unwavering. People love you because you have the ability to express your authentic self.
What makes you unique: Your personality and likability. People are naturally drawn to your charismatic nature. When you cultivate your leadership skills, you have a knack for drawing people to follow you.
You already manage that simply by being yourself.
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virgo midheaven: observation, expertise, high standards
Your Public Persona: People notice your worth ethic. You live to meet high standards. Perfectionism is your middle name. It doesn’t really matter what career you choose. Mercury rules your midheaven, which allows you to adapt to any set of circumstances.
You know how to raise yourself up, fine-tune the details, and become the ideal for your vocation. You’re not afraid of hard work and you can operate on little sleep.
Always practical, you make career decisions with a critical mind, and you pride yourself on being an expert in your field. Even when you don’t have it all together—you will make sure it appears that you do.
What makes you unique: Your keen sense of observation. Allow this to guide you. Clients will appreciate your expertise.
Also, be careful of being too critical of yourself and others.
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libra midheaven: charm, advantage, elegance
Your Public Persona: People notice your refined elegance. Venus rules your midheaven, keeping you poised, graceful, and calm at all times. Your sense of creativity gives you a keen eye for art and design, making anything you touch shine in the public’s eye.
You will find the most success by teaming up with a business partner or multiple working relationships. Your charming, diplomatic persona allows you to create highly-influential partnerships.
What makes you unique: Your charm. Use it to your advantage. Clients looking for artistic flair will be drawn to you.
Let your voice be heard loud and clear when necessary.
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scorpio midheaven: perceptive, truth, awareness
Your Public Persona: People notice your magnetism. They recognize you for your intensity and your conviction. When you set a goal, you go after it with everything you have. With Pluto ruling your midheaven, personal power becomes all-encompassing.
Often without meaning to, you wind up in careers that expose the darker or more taboo sides of life. Sometimes this can lead to vocations that involve power plays.
Your career may also be transformative, changing you in some shape or way. You will find success within vocations that involve birth, death, sex, spiritualism, or some other transformative matter.
What makes you unique: Your perceptiveness. It acts as a psychic awareness that allows you to see the truth in the world and the people around you. Clients who are looking to build their own inner strength will be drawn to you.
You will find success within vocations that involve birth, death, sex, spiritualism, or some other transformative matter.
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sagittarius midheaven: optimism, can-do, inspiring
Your Public Persona: People notice your larger-than-life personality. Jupiter rules your midheaven, making you come across as optimistic and playful, as well as honest to the point of bluntness.
Careers involving travel and education will allow you to feel more fulfilled. In many ways, you are seen as an explorer, searching to find your own personal truth.
What makes you unique: Your sense of optimism. People enjoy your can-do attitude and find you inspiring.
Be careful of being too brash or embarking on too many controversial subjects.
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capricorn midheaven: dedication, passionate, hardworking
Your Public Persona: People notice your ambition. Goal-oriented Saturn rules your midheaven, making you reliable and hardworking by nature. You want to achieve great things, and you’re ready to put in the due diligence to get there.
If there really is a so-called “ladder” to the top, you’re already climbing it. You learn from your mistakes and strive to do things in the best possible way, making you one of the world’s role models.
What makes you unique: Your dedication. Deep down, you care passionately about your career and clients are drawn to this.
However, you will find more success by allowing others to lean on you for guidance.
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aquarius midheaven: brilliance, one-of-a-kind, unique
Your Public Persona: People notice your originality. Uranus adds a unique spin to the midheaven, giving you an edge that belongs solely to you. Eccentric by nature, you’re not afraid of letting your freak flag fly proudly.
You’re the weirdo—and you get away with it because people love this about you. You own your weirdness, appreciating it, because it’s what allows you to offer something important to others.
What makes you unique: Your brilliance. It’s all about supply and demand. There is only one of you in the world, and you offer skills that no one else can provide.
Engage in acts of humanitarianism as this will only further endear you to your clients as well as fulfill your need to heal the world.
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pisces midheaven: imagination, dreamy, enigma
Your Public Persona: People notice your sense of compassion. However, you’re a mystery to most people. Neptune clouds over your midheaven like a hazy mist, altering your public appearance.
You thrive in careers which allow you to tap into your dreamy, creative, and often psychic nature. Money isn’t as important as following your passion. Your work is usually healing in some way, whether it’s through art or within an actual medical environment.
What makes you unique: Your imagination. Your dreamy nature is inspiring to others. Clients feel pulled into the little world you’ve created for yourself, as if they are escaping their own harsh reality with you for a while.
In public or online, make sure you are crystal clear in your communication as your words are often taken out of context.
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Next steps:
- Own the power your Midheaven gives you when you market. Don't be shy.
- Join thousands of successful mystics in business by accessing my free Astro Marketing Profiles tool to help you leverage your Midheaven sign in your marketing instantly and easily. >>> Click here to access the free tool
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